Sixth Form students receive superb support towards their personal, social, and spiritual development. Within weekly Personal Development lessons, Personal and Social Development form time tasks and assemblies, all students develop themselves morally and culturally by gaining a deep understanding and awareness of British values such as tolerance. All activities are bespoken to the needs of modern post-16 students in Britain. This includes students developing their awareness and understanding of essential aspects of modern-day life, such as gender and racial equality.
Sixth Form students are encouraged to be respectful, thoughtful, and active citizens, with significant charitable acts and service to the community. We have a weekly praise system to recognise and celebrate the excellent acts of our students. Students are offered wide range of opportunities to participate and lead including running subject clubs and extra-curricular activities (including the student led Equalities Club), acting as classroom assistants, mentors to KS3/4 students, leading music ensembles/choirs, as part of our Student Leadership Scheme. In addition, the Sixth Form offers many KS5 specific opportunities such as running the Sixth Form Café, operating the Sixth Form Newspaper and being part of the Sixth Form Leadership Team.