We pride ourselves on being a caring school. St Mary’s is a happy place, where order and respect for others underpin all of our dealings with one another. Our aim is to create an environment where every child feels safe and where everyone can succeed. The welfare of our students is vitally important and if there are any concerns we are committed to dealing with them effectively and swiftly.

The role of the Tutor

Students are put into tutor groups when they arrive at St Mary’s. This group is a mixed-ability group made up of students from different primary schools but please be assured that we keep friends together to ensure a confident start.

Within this group they will attend some lessons together and stay together as a form group each morning, guided by a teacher who acts as their Tutor throughout their time at St Mary’s.

This teacher will know your child really well and be the person to whom they can turn with any problem or query. The Tutor is also your first point of contact and will be there to help you with any aspect of your child’s education at St Mary’s.

Head of Year

The Head of Year’s principal role is to ensure the welfare of the children within their year group. They will guide the academic, social and spiritual progress of all the students in their care. The Head of Year is on hand to help you with any concerns that you may have.

Keeping you informed

The support of parents is essential to our work and key to your child’s success. You are the prime educators of your children and we operate in close partnership with you.

There are two Parents’ Evenings during Year 7. Early in the autumn term you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s transition from primary to secondary school with their Tutor. Later in the year, you will be invited to a second evening with all of your child’s teachers to review their progress in each subject area.

Twice a year, you will receive an interim report to let you know how your child is progressing by informing you of their present attainment and their target for each subject studied. You will also receive a detailed pastoral report written by your child’s Form Tutor towards the end of the year. However, if at any time you have a query or concern, we urge you to contact the school immediately and we will be happy to respond.